15 Minutes of Stillness: Erica and Her Son Claim Life Together

Season #6

This week I am bringing you one of my favorite episodes EVER, with one of my nearest and dearest, Erica Davis.

Erica moved here to MY land in the beginning of her second pregnancy and we share the adorable story of traveling together in our pregnancies and her birthing just two weeks before me! 

Erica speaks to the up-level she experienced in finally having like minded sisterhood, the healing of her sister wounds, and the darkness in which she traveled in to bring her second son to this earth. 

When Ericaā€™s baby didnā€™t take a noticeable breath for 15 minutes, Erica and her husband found themselves in uncharted waters, rich with lessons and new perspectives on life. 

Get ready for lots of F bombs and giggles in this one, enjoy!

Listen to Ericaā€™s first birth story here:  https://www.freebirthsociety.com/podcasts/free-birth-society/episodes/2147610338

Listen to this episode here: https://www.freebirthsociety.com/podcasts/free-birth-society/episodes/2147937922

Watch this episode here:  https://youtu.be/IdiAF2jPU2g

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