Finding Freebirth with Four Daughters

Season #4

Today, Jessica brings us the beautiful story of a mother reckoning with her inner authority as she navigates her way through multiple births. From her first baby being born at a hospital, to a “party birth” with her second daughter, Jessica shares how she learned each time to surrender more to the wild unknowing-ness of birth. With her third and fourth daughters, Jessica birthed freely and unhindered- with her most recent birth being attended by her two eldest daughters. Jessica’s story offers a vision of how powerful, mother-led, matriarchal birth can be the model for all of our daughters moving forward.

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The Radical Birth Keeper School starts again September 1st, 2021. You won’t want to miss it:

Get The Complete Guide to Freebirth: A sweeping, all-inclusive childbirth education course, designed to prepare pregnant mothers and families for the most powerful independent birth experience possible:

Are you wanting to take responsibility for your life? Work with Emilee:

Want more? Birthing Truth: A Collection of Freebirth Stories:

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