Surviving the Impossible: The Many Lives of Kelsey Hitchcock

the free birth podcast Feb 10, 2023

"Surviving the Impossible: The Many Lives of Kelsey Hithcock"

This week on the show I talk with the sweet and courageous Kelsey who shares her big stories of sexual abuse, teen motherhood, and becoming wheelchair bound with MS. In her most recent pregnancy, she experienced a true 12 month pregnancy which she contributed to being, at the time, a fruitarian. Kelsey tells us the wild story of fleeing from Taiwan in labor and barely getting off the plane in time to freebirth her 3rd daughter in a hostel in the Philippines! She shares openly about the abuse she endured, her radical lifestyle, and leaning on the connection she developed with her breath, body, and mind. Kelsey's story offers a vulnerable look at trauma and pain, personal choice, responsibility, and the transformative power of birth.


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