"I Can Do This On My Own"- Shyann's Freebirth Story
Aug 28, 2022
I was 38 weeks and felt mentally abused by my midwife. They continued to tell me that even if I had a vaginal birth, it was going to be very dangerous because she was posterior and my placenta was in the way (which it was not).
They decided to terminate care with me, and at that point I didn’t even want them at my birth.
After trying to figure out what was happening and what I was going to do, I felt abandoned. I felt so lost on what to do and scared about the possibilities. I finally meditated on it and told myself I can do this on my own I don’t need anyone to tell me otherwise.
So in the last two weeks of my pregnancy, I went through the whole Complete Guide to Freebirth.
The morning before my daughter's birth, I woke up with contractions at 6:30am and labored off and on all day. Nothing was consistent, so I had a friend come over to give my a massage to help the contraction pains. At 10pm, things started picking up and getting pretty intense, so I decided to try to get some rest.
About midnight, I went to the bathroom to take a bath because I was feeling uncomfortable. My sister-in-law (who lives with me) came into the bathroom to check on me and I said “we need to wake up Bryant ASAP!” (My fiancé). I just had a little bloody show - literally only 3 drops of blood on the bathroom floor.
He slowly woke up, holding our 2 year old daughter Nora as I wobble to the living room with my sister in law's help. I get on my hands and knees and ask for a bunch of pillows to prop myself up.
Right after, my water broke, and a minute later I was crowning. With one push, her head and shoulders were out (not posterior)!
With one more tiny push, at 12:38am, baby Odeya was born. Bryant caught her and handed her to me. We were so relieved there was little to no blood, the placenta came out 4 hours later, and I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl.
-Shyann @shyshy_5
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