Standing in the Fire with Activist Courtney Piper (Part 3 of 3 Emergency Series)

February 26, 2021

Courtney Piper is a mother, birth attendant, activist, spiritual warrior, and director of Women Picket DC.

She brings to us today the truth of how patriarchy seeks to destroy and erode our intuition, and how our embodiment is the antidote.

We cannot afford not to speak out, and together, we dream of a woman-centered world where all are liberated.

This podcast is dedicated to Carla Hartley- a devoted homebirth midwife, mother, survivor, and mentor who pioneered the Ancient Art of Midwifery Institute. She is an inspiration in truth-telling, midwifery, and activism. 

Women’s Human Rights Campaign:

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Women’s Liberation Front:

Read about Executive Order 13988:

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Home  The Free Birth Podcast  Standing in the Fire with Activist Courtney Piper (Part 3 of 3 Emergency Series)